Access to the developer API is open to everyone with a account, and is fully-featured. Anything you can do in the UI, you can achieve with the API.

Here are some ways you can use the API:

  • Run campaigns and retrieve the results
  • Upload custom payloads
  • Browse and download from the payload catalogue

Full documentation can be found in the API Reference.


The API uses API keys for authentication. To generate an API key:

  • Visit the API Keys section of the Settings page.
  • Click Create and optionally set an expiry time. The default is 180 days, and the maximum is 365.
  • Take note of the returned API Key. By design, this cannot be retrieved and will need to be regenerated if lost.

Once you've created your API key, include this header in your requests, replacing YOUR_API_KEY with your API key:

Authorization: YOUR_API_KEY

For example, here is a curl request for retrieving information about your user account:

curl --request GET \
     --url \
     --header 'Authorization: YOUR_API_KEY' \
     --header 'accept: application/json'

Revoking Keys

To delete/revoke an API key:

  • Visit the API Keys section of the Settings page.
  • Click Delete and confirm you're sure you want to delete it.
  • You will receive confirmation that the API key was successfully invalidated and deleted. The key can no longer be used.